
Friday, January 29, 2010

I'll be taking a little hiatus from blogging this weekend. I'm off to visit my ole' stomping ground, Santa Cruz to hang out among those great redwood trees. Hope y'all have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Spotlight: Heartfelt Thanks

Lately I have been receiving some phenomenal support from fellow Etsians. So I decided to reciprocate by spotlighting some amazing handmade goodies that happen to have a lot of heart. Enjoy! Soap for your Soul has these amazing heart shaped soaps in a variety of scents. Her customers have also been using as decorative airfreshners. Great idea!

How cute is this print byMatou en Peluche? These prints are such a steal too! There are many more heart adorned artwork for you to peruse, so be sure to check out her shop.

I am a devoted fan of Wool and Water It is one of those shops I keep coming back to. Her paperdolls make the perfect gift, including the lovely lady above.

Monkey Mind Designs has so many great V-Day cards, but the one above is my fave. Simple, sweet and to the point.

These stickers by Nowvember are hilarious. Perfect gift for the friend of yours who might need a little company on Valentine's Day.

Love from Hetty & Dave says it all with this adorable brooch. Sometimes love just sucks. Let the world know it.

Are you feeling a little spiteful this Valentine's day? Don't hold back. Take out any built up aggression you may have on Junker Jane's voodoo doll. It is guaranteed to make you feel a little better.

You can visit all these sellers shops by clicking on their names, which are in bold.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Nancy from ForOlivia Jewelry has featured my pin-up girl pillow doll on her BLOG today. Thanks Nancy! Stuff like this really makes my day. I loved making this doll and am actually in the process of finishing a brunette version of lovely Lulu.

Be sure to stop by and check out Nancy's jewelry shop. She has some really gorgeous pieces. My favorite are these red coral, blue accented earrings, shown below.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Weekend Goodies

This weekend I stayed pretty busy photographing new items for the store, but I did have a chance to do a little shopping! The Creative Reuse Store had a 50% off sale on some of their vintage goods this weekend. Woohoo!

I was able to add to my already excessive button collection, grab an amazing vintage valentine card, and stock up on shipping supplies. I love that place!

Here are a few of the buttons I grabbed. I'm going to have a hard time letting go of some of these, especially the black one that says VIP on it. I might have to keep that one for myself. Check out the mini button with the wheat image imprinted on it. And what is up with the golden rose button with the eye in the center?! Just a little creepy . . . Love, love, love this card. The silver part is slightly iridescent. The greeting is sort of odd and scandalous, don't you think?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Front Page!

My coworker happily informed me this morning that my lovely acorn sachet made it to the front page on Etsy! It was posted from 7am-8am today so I missed seeing it in action but it still sold! So Exciting!!

I have reposted the acorn and am now selling it as a made to order item (only takes 2 days!).

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Isla Pink featured my Pinky Dotty Fabric Flower Brooch in her Valentine's Day mini feature today. Check it out and be sure to follow her blog. I can already tell it is the beginning of something great. Thanks Isla!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Craft Spotlight: PollyAnna Cowgirl Designs

Since the new year has begun, I have been slowly implementing some goals for myself. One being I should be better about this blog. I knew I was being a little too lazy when my mom recently asked why I hadn't been posting. So suffice to say, work comas are no excuse to quit blogging. On that note, I wanted to introduce one of my fellow crafty friends, Polly of PollyAnna Cowgirl Designs. Words can't begin to describe just how awesome Polly is. Besides making amazingly cute jewelry, bags, and Blythe doll clothes(!!!) she is now blogging for ReadyMade magazine. Make Nice is a perfect blog to peruse during your spare time. Be sure to stop by and check it out. And if you have a chance, give Polly a little comment love. Check out her adorable items here. Cute!! "U.R. My Deer" LocketMy sister got my mom these earrings for xmas. I know this is pretty hippie, but I want this as an actual dress! I love the fabrics that Polly uses.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Work marathon over.

Where have I been the past few weeks you ask? What have I been doing? Well, besides eating tons of holiday treats, I've been crammed in my little craft corner making tons of new things! The etsy store is finally getting updated throughout this week and I have a few new products on the way. Wanna know what I have been up to? Check out below: I am working on a new embroidery series of Pin-up girls. They will be available as plush doll pillows and magnets! My mini drawstring deer bags seem to be taking off so they will be back in stock in a variety of colors. I am also introducing some new mini drawstring bag designs which include foxes and mushrooms.