
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Marvelous Marimekko

If only I had $500 bucks so I can one of these amazing Marimekko dresses one of my own! You have to check out the spread that discusses all the history of the dresses HERE.

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Weekend: Renegade L.A.

So before the big moving plans ever occurred I was intending on selling at Renegade L.A. with my brillant crafty and oh-so-nice friend, Polly from PollyAnna Cowgirl. Alas, my plans to return to the west coast for a weekend of crafty delight didn't happen. But if you are in the area you MUST stop by and say hello to Polly for me! She is also selling a few Crooked Sister goods too! And remember if you are making the trek to LaLa land from an adjacent county, avoid the 405!! Carmageddon is on the horizon and I would recommend avoiding it at all costs!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Needlework News

I am sure it's previous obvious by now that I am a big fan of needlework which means I am always on the look out for what is currently happening on the floss frontier.  Here is what I've come across this week:

Family Portrait by DetroitMommy
 It's always the most simple ideas that turn out to be the most beautiful. This stitched family portrait that I found via feeling stitchy is just that and such an easy project. Anyone can do this! Even the embroidery novice.

This is slightly old news but still I want to spread the word!  Jenny Hart had two artworks stolen from her most recent show. Help spread the word and get these beautiful pieces back to their rightful owner!

Richard Saja's artwork has always intrigued me. So I was delighted to find out that he has an art show exhibiting his newest work in my neighborhood!  I can't wait to see these pieces in person.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I have a MASSIVE blog list and find myself adding at least 2 to 3 new blogs to that list every week! So the reader on blogger is just not cutting it anymore. I need a reader that is more friendly, easy to read, and has some sort of category system like twitter. So I decided to give bloglovin' a try.

How do you guys keep track of your blog roll? Do you use bloglovin' or another site?

You can also keep up to date on my blog via Bloglovin' now too. Just click on the icon on the right to follow!

Cross Country Drive

It took me four days to make my way across the country from California to New York. The trip was more of a power drive than leisure. I was moving on a budget and didn't take too many detours because of driving with the moving truck. Regardless, the trek was wonderful and I realize I only got a glimpse of this amazing country I live in. If I had my way, I'd spend all my time on the road traveling from state to state.

Here are a few snapshots from I took while on the road.

I-80 East, Nevada

Passed the Weiner mobile in Wyoming

I-80 East, Nevada

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Swatches: Folk Art

There are so many things I love about folk art designs but I especially love them on fabric! The color combinations, the eclectic montage of farm and home inspired objects. What I'd really like to see is someone take some of these classic designs and add a modern spin to them. Not that there is anything wrong with these adorable vintage prints that I found on Etsy.

1) Novelty fabric from Thriftstore, 2) Blue cottage fabric from Thoroughbred Threads, 3) Country folk fabric from Poet Charms, 4) Blue folk fabric from Thoroughbred Threads.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Rupert and I wish you all a happy Friday and Fourth of July weekend!
Don't drink too much otherwise you might end up making a face like this.