
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

New Year, New Ideas, New Endeavors

I am hoping that having these next two weeks off will help me get my business ready for the new year. I have to admit I don't like having this much time off. I become lazy, sleep in late, and postpone chores. Bad Lauren. This time I have a few household goals to complete that make me shiver, and quite a few business goals to achieve. My main goal is to completely revise my Etsy store and advertise/promote the hell out of my shop online! I am also considering taking on one of those ridiculous 365 days projects. Instead of taking and posting a new photo each day, I want to try and complete a new embroidery project everyday. Crazy right? I sure think so, but it could be done! Here are a few snippets of some sachets that I am currently working on.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Life? What Life?

A really interesting article came out yesterday in the New York Times about crafting and making a business out of it. For the past couple weeks I have been coming home from working and immediately going to what I call my Craft corner and slaving away until 12am-1am in the morning. Taking a break? Not possible. Dinner? Where are the take out menus? Lunch break? Break out the embroidery and start stitching!! I realized after reading this article that this lifestyle wouldn't change if I did decide to quit my day job and just craft for a living. The ladies mentioned in this article all work super hard and although 13 hour days sounds insane, I can't help but think how exciting it is to be able to run and manage your own business. It is definitely not easy, but knowing how much someone loves something you made with your hands makes it all worth it sometimes. You can find the article HERE

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tis the Season!!

I have two holiday craft fairs coming up this month. The first one is this Saturday at the California College of the Arts from 11am-3pm. I'll be sharing a table with my lovely friend, Alison Yates. She is an awesome artist and will have some delightful silhouette cards for you to peruse and purchase. Check out more of her work HERE The next event I'll be at is the following Saturday, December 12th at the Root Division Gallery in San Francisco. The Under 100 'H' sale where every item is under $100. For info about the gallery and the event go HERE I'm thrilled about both of these events as they will be a mix of arts and crafts. So come out and score some great one of a kind presents this weekend or next!!