
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

New Year, New Ideas, New Endeavors

I am hoping that having these next two weeks off will help me get my business ready for the new year. I have to admit I don't like having this much time off. I become lazy, sleep in late, and postpone chores. Bad Lauren. This time I have a few household goals to complete that make me shiver, and quite a few business goals to achieve. My main goal is to completely revise my Etsy store and advertise/promote the hell out of my shop online! I am also considering taking on one of those ridiculous 365 days projects. Instead of taking and posting a new photo each day, I want to try and complete a new embroidery project everyday. Crazy right? I sure think so, but it could be done! Here are a few snippets of some sachets that I am currently working on.

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