
Friday, February 19, 2010

Spotlight: Jennifer Andrews

These misty overcast days in the East Bay always remind me of the Northwest, and more specifically, Twin Peaks. So last night I decided to google Twin Peaks embroidery just for the hell of it, thinking my chances of coming across something cool were pretty slim. Boy, was I wrong!

Instead I discovered Jennifer Andrews and her stunning Twin Peaks portrait embroidery series she did for an artshow. Me and my scatterbrain would never be able to complete a big project like this so I applaud Jennifer for taking on a very exciting but obviously daunting project. Here are a few more of her pieces:I love how she takes the time to explain her stitch work in her blog as well.Bob's beard is made up of tiny colonial knots.**All images by childrenplayingwithfire

If you have a chance to peruse Jennifer's blog Children Playing with Fire, you will find she is quite creative. There is more eyecandy over at her Flickr account too including mustache cupcakes with life size noses. No, I am not kidding. Look for yourself.


  1. Oh Twin I have loved you so over the years. From those late nights in High School on TBS to lazy weekends on the couch with my DVD Gold edition. These are so awesome I might cry!

  2. these are cool!
    thanks for your comment :)


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