Spring is here (well, almost) which means I need a few new FRESH embroidery ideas! If you share any ideas below you'll get your name entered into my Giveaway! That's right in exchange for your brilliant ideas, you'll have a chance to win my lovely Embroidered Acorn Scented Sachet. This little guy is so cute that he made it to the front page of Etsy.

So here's the breakdown on how to enter the giveaway:
1) You must share your Fresh Spring embroidery idea below in the comments. Be creative! Be crazy! Give me an idea!
2) You don't have to be a blog follower to enter. But all current followers will automatically get an extra point by leaving a comment idea below and New followers will too! Just be sure to mention your a newbie with your idea in the comments below.
3) Earn an extra point by RTing my giveaway in the twitter world. You can follow me on Twitter by clicking on my link on the Left side. Remember you STILL need to leave your embroidery idea in the comments below to earn your first point! You MUST RT me in order to get your extra point!
4) The more points you earn, the more times your name will be entered. Only one idea per person.
Also, be sure to INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS in your comment below so I can contact you if you win.Last Day to submit your ideas is 5pm PST Sunday, March 14th. The winner will be announced on Monday, March 15th. Because it's always nice to wake up to a little surprise on a Monday morning.
So start thinking up some fun new ideas and send them my way!
Oh yes! I've always wanted to see Southwest designs on an embroidery panel. I think that would be darling and I would gladly hang that in my home. From psychedelic Aztec prints to the traditional bows and arrows. Love those goodies.
ReplyDeleteI'm tweeting this as well. Melissasueromo at gmail.com
Melissa- I love Southwest designs too and they would make beautiful and easy embroidery patterns!
ReplyDeletei don't have any great subjects to suggest.. but i would love to see embroidered brooches and small pendants for necklaces!
ReplyDeletei'd love to enter your giveaway and i do follow your blog! uhoh_over at yahoo.com
have you thought about doing something with umbrellas, parasols, dandelions, or sailboats? i think all of those things would be super cute.
Hi Lauren, new follower here, Suzanne from DelysiaStyle.com. I think you could make some adorable baby animals... chicks, deer, puppies, bunny rabbits, lambs, frogs just to name a few possibilities. Maybe one mama and several babies. Or just one chick and an egg, something along those lines. :)
Robins and cherry blossoms.
ReplyDeleteWe just got a Marina Abramovic bio in the library. It looks very interesting.
I'm a big fan of spring bulbs. I know flowers are pretty traditional embroidery subject matter, but how about a more botanical interpretation?
Spring means bees...floral scented (lavender is my favorite) fat little bumbles!
ReplyDeleteThe acorns are lovely!
♥ Tiffany Patterson
cursewordsandbirds [at] gmail
I would like to see bunnys,chicks,ducklings, lamb
ReplyDeleteand spring flowers. Thanks Helen
fingers crossed.
I would love to see a cute little gnome sitting under a tree with maybe a little bunny in the background. That would be a cute little sachet pillow. ^_^
contact me at- http://LittleElfsToyshop.etsy.com
I'm a new follower to your blog too. ^_^
My spring idea is bold colorful zebras!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway :)
I follow your blog with google friend!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway :)
Not just a spring idea but I'd love a cushion embroidered with small spiders and other creepy crawlies so that when people sit down they get the shock of their lives :0)
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower
I RTed EVA_n_essence
I follow now (newbie)! (Bead Eclectic)
ReplyDeleteMy idea would be for sunflowers... only because they are my favorite. :)
Your embroidery is just beautiful!!! And that sachet is just adorable so I really really hope I win ; ) If it wasnt so cute I'd throw it in my boyfriends stinky drawers so they smell better haha but I'd definitely keep it for myself ; )
ReplyDeleteAnyway, so many ideas for spring! Obviously I would say flowers, bulbs, etc, tulips and daffodils. I noticed people have said that, but I really love peonies so I would love to see that. I also love birds and they really remind me of spring. Maybe a bird sitting on a branch, or by a birdhouse. You could also have a hummingbird with its mouth in a flower. I know birds are very popular on Etsy as well ; ) I know these aren't groundbreaking ideas but hopefully they help you a little bit!
Thanks so much for this chance to win! *crossing my fingers tight*
I'm very happy to be following your blog now! Can't wait to see what you come up with next!
ReplyDeleteThanks again!
Parrots or bears. I do like the idea suggested by the others, some southwest designs would be cool!!!!
new blog follower!!! Glad that i found your site!!! BTW< I liked the Brown golden Fox drawstring bag!
I'm following you on twitter now as well and retweeted about your giveaway ; ) My twitter name is EcoChicHandKnit.
ReplyDeleteThanks again so much!
Christina - xristya@rock.com - I grew up doing Ukrainian embroidery, since my parents came from Ukraine, and Ukrainian designs are both geometrical and natural, and would look great on these sachets!
ReplyDeleteMaybe a fresh idea would be embroidered apple blossoms or lilac blooms? Those two flowers mean "spring" to me. Also butterflies. :-)
ReplyDeletejune_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com
new blog follower (june_spirit2628)
ReplyDeletejune_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com
Maybe some petticoats, or pin up girls? What about sewing stuff? ambrerose(!at)aol.com
ReplyDeletespring flowers...tulips, hyacinths, etc.
ReplyDeleteI think butterflies and daisies would be lovely for spring!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance to win!
JanuaryWish (at) verizon (dot) net
I'm a follower.
ReplyDeleteJanuaryWish (at) verizon (dot) net
I re tweeted! JanuaryWish
ReplyDeleteJanuaryWish (at) verizon (dot) net
You want a crazy spring idea? Ooookay, but if you've ever seen my blog you'll know I'm maybe not safe to ask...
ReplyDeleteI want baby bird mouths! Those peeping chattering birdlets who even now are holding court on my back porch, with their huge gaping maws and horrible cute bald heads- nothing is more "spring" than that, right?
Acorns are much prettier, though.
Wow! So many great ideas! Keep them coming.
ReplyDeleteCaraspace-Haha! That's actually a really cool idea. And I think it could turn out pretty interesting, although I'm not sure how 'pretty' it would actually be.
How about outlines of cats on your sachets, perhaps with a few flowers around them? (I'm owned by 2 cats, so that's where my mind always goes...) Thanks! lulu at petscribbles dot com
ReplyDeleteAlso RT'ed your twitter post about this giveaway to my followers too! :) (petscribbles on Twitter)
ReplyDeleteHi, new follower and I just RT'd your tweet earlier.
ReplyDeleteMy embroidery idea - sea life; colorful fish, seahorses, octopuses, snails, heck why not a whole aquarium?
love the litte acorn sachet,too
I draw SO much inspiration from Native American Culture. Anything involving it is, to me, so beautiful and sombre. The colors I would use do seem a little more Autumn-ish than Spring-ish, but that's the challenge I suppose!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much!
Catherine, mykodakdelights@gmail.com
My embroidery idea - birds, flowers, fishes in a pond.
ReplyDeleteaikychien at yahoo dot com
I'm a follower.
ReplyDeleteaikychien at yahoo dot com
I tweeted:
aikychien at yahoo dot com
Flowers. Lots and lots of flowers of different colours! Maybe even a garden full!
ReplyDeletereviewsbyabby at gmail dot com
How about love birds? The male sitting on a branch above the female. I think their colours would make a lovely embroidery project
shiki6210 at gmail dot com
I think that this should be the sun with eyes and smile
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking a lot about embroidering over embroidered things--taking an old, used cushion (maybe from a thrift store) and updating it with more modern lines, not covering the original patterns so much as augmenting them. That's what half of anthro looks like, right?
ReplyDeleteI am a new follower of this blog! :)
ReplyDeleteI tweeted about this giveaway: http://twitter.com/doppeldeer/status/10488289247
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to let you know that I listed this giveaway on my site. (before it was over) :)
Here's the direct link:
If you happen to have any other internationally open giveaways, I'd love to hear about them!