
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A New Toy!

My mom is visiting me this week from SoCal. She brought my belated b-day present with her and what a present it is!! Say hello to my new heavy duty singer professional sewing machine! It's so pretty and couldn't have come at a more perfect time.

Supposedly it sews perfect circles, which is a great bonus as I am now starting to make coasters from repurposed fabric. Here are a few of my first ones. They are definitely not perfect circles and lean more on the crooked side. But I think that just gives them more character.


  1. That is so, so cool. I love sewing machines.

  2. Awesome machine and super cute coasters! Love that bicycle fabric- I have some in pink- so now I am green with envy ;)

  3. Love the look of that machine wow - i want one and i want all of those fabrics.they are so awesome our fabric here is so damn expensive.


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