
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Bit of a Slump

I'm afraid I may have enjoyed my time off from the busy internet world a little too much. I'm still having a pretty difficult time getting up the energy to blog or even read my daily blog roll. As much as I'd hate to admit it, I'm much rather curl up with a good book!

Hopefully my little blogging slump will wear off soon. Here is another set of photos from my little trip to Portland to hold you over.

We stayed at a Holiday Inn Express in NW Portland. I thought it was pretty nice. Very quiet neighborhood in an old industrial area. We also had a nice view of one of the many Portland bridges.

We found this apartment rental sign a few blocks from our hotel. $450?!? Are you kidding me?

A yummy treat after a delicious dinner at Merriwether's. Very yummy treat!

Pretty mural at the Kennedy School. I'll be talking more about this place later . . . .

Here's an insane flower I found in someone's yard, plus my shoe.

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