
Monday, June 14, 2010

SF Etsy Trunk Show

I spent this last Saturday at the Artist Xchange Gallery in SF vending at the SF Etsy Sampler Trunk show. This event was organized by our fabulous local SF Etsy team, and it turned out great!

All the vendors from the show were active members of the SF Etsy team and it was a real delight to meet some of them. Participating in events like this is really my favorite part of being a lady with a crafty business. I love seeing what other people are making, chatting with them about business, getting feedback! So a BIG KUDOS to Kendra Renee for organizing the event and Jen Johnson, who is the most awesome team leader eva'! Photos below!

The day started off kind of rough. I don't own a car but I do participate in a carshare program which allows me to check out cars. Except that morning the car battery was dead in the car I checked out, and the traffic to SF was horrible. But I made it despite the delays! I shared a table with Eve and Rick from Monkey & Seal. They were awesome table buddies! On the other side of me was Alana from Etta & Billie with her oh-so-wonderfully fragrant soaps and lotion. It smelt great all day! I have a thing for mustaches and was delighted to find these mustache panties by
Christiana of Mahoohoo. Super Cute! I'm always delighted when I run into Nina from Gooseberry Press at events. Her city prints are great. I just about wanted to buy everything from Katherine J Lee, including that
adorable red striped clutch!

I'm loving how Heather from Heathered took these old vintage ads and made them into little card holders.

These photos only reveal a portion of all the amazing goodies available that day. To see more, go HERE.


  1. Looks like fun! Thanks for the introduction to some new etsy sellers.

  2. i just blogged about the fun earrings i bought from you this weekend!

    Love them!

  3. wow! what a nice group. your table set up is lovely! i really like your different levels of displays. it's intriguing. :)


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