
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Today I'm in love with . . . .

Claire Coles! This amazing British textile artist has really stolen my heart. I find her work to not only be unique but quite inspiring. Claire received a degree in Applied Arts from Middlesex University and is mostly recognized for her unique stitched vintage wallpaper designs. But what caught my eye initially were her embroidered tea cups that I found via the website I dreamed I saw. And they are actual embroidered cups!

I then ventured onto her website where I discovered more amazing work. I realized then that I just had to share her makings with you. Be sure to take a few minutes to peruse her website, found HERE. You won't regret it. Here are a few of my favorite pieces by her.

I love these wallpaper textile collage tableaux. The inclusion of lighting was pure genius. It really brings the objects and wallpaper to life.

Here are the teacups which are actually embroidered. She also has ceramic teacups that have been imprinted with what appears to be lace and textured wallpaper. I can't decide which ones I like more. She also has bird and flower wallpaper brooches.
Loving the flowers. This wallpaper collage of an airplane really won me over too. I have been thinking about possibly doing an embroidered wedding invitation that I could digitally scan and sell. I doubt they would be as glorious as this one that Claire did.
Simply Stunning. **All images from Claire Coles Design. Artist discovered via I dreamed I saw blog.


  1. wow! i love the way it looks like that one flower is leaping off the wall.
    these are beautiful pieces. thanks for sharing!

  2. Those embroidered teacups are amazeballs! I love this post and cannot believe I have never heard of Claire Coles!

    {Just found you via the Etsy responded to my post about Welcome Wednesday. Thanks for following my blog,!}

  3. Wow, those teacups are lovely! I wondered how she goes about embroidering them.


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