
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Package Project

So a while ago, I signed up to participate in this Package Project. I told the lady organizing it that I wanted to send a package to someone who lived very, very far away and I got my wish! My partner ended up being Bri from New South Wales, a lady who loves owls and cupcakes. Her package arrived last Friday and I was thrilled by all the little goodies she sent. Here is what I got:

The package came in this lovely vintage goose tin which I thought was a great way to protect all my goodies while it made it's way across the world to me. Plus, it is a perfect little container to store some of my supplies in. Ya for reuse!

In the package was a lovely scarf, a jar of buttons and some button like earrings. She also sent me a little stash of paper goods, including a packet of moleskin journals (which I plan on embroidering), and little illustrated paper goodies from children's books. I love, love, love the green doily that she used to decorate the top of the button jar. I also received the cutest mini floral cupcake holders and a tiny blue ceramic owl that now lives on my windowsill. Thanks so much Bri!

I would share some photos of what I am sending Bri but I don't want to spoil it for her. I am sending out my package terribly late :( and I feel pretty horrible about it. But hopefully in a couple of weeks I can share what I sent with you cuz it's a pretty awesome package.


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