
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The weekend was full of long dog walks and a trip to SF Renegade Handmade. I told myself that I would have a little budget saved for this event the next time it rolled around, but alas I adopted a dog and all my pretty little pennies went to him a couple weeks ago. As usual, there were LOTS of items to peruse.

Here are a few photos from the event. But what you should really do is go over to one of my fave blogs, I go by Katie, and check out her Amazing photos of the event. She took the time take some portraits of some of the participating artists and they are quite good! I regret not getting one of these paper mobiles from Mystic Mobiles.
Can't wait for them to have a website I can order from! I was extremely impressed by this felt card catalogue made by Kelso Doesn't Dance.
Super cool! I was speechless when I found these embroidered dolls by Hillery Rebeka Sproatt.
The one above was double sided with different designs on each side. Going on my wish list. Adorable handmade Elephant by Flock Home. that belongs in someone's nursery. I kept my eyes open for unique display ideas and I really like how this vendor draped this antique paper (not sure what kind of paper it is?) on her table.
She also used wooden embroidery hoops with simply embroidered accented fabric to place her earrings on. Very clever!

1 comment:

  1. wow, those are some really great finds! i don't know how you restrained yourself so well. :)

    that felt card catalog is UH-mazing!


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