
Friday, October 8, 2010


So many wonderful things have been happening lately!

On Tuesday, my shop was featured in Etsy Finds. My new Halloween paper lanterns were included in the Fall Decor theme. Very exciting and a great boost in sales! A lady all the way from Ireland ordered a lantern from me!

Tomorrow is the Petaluma Whiskerino Crafterino Festival. I am so excited to be doing this little craft fair. I have a feeling it is going to be pretty laid back and lots of fun. Plus, I can't wait to see all the amazing facial hair! If you are in the 'hood, you should take a drive to this pretty town and check it out. The craft fair is from 11am-5pm. The whiskerino competition starts around 3pm.

A couple of days ago, plans to have me teach a DIY activity at the Treasure Island Music Festival got finalized. I will be showing people how to embroider pirate themed designs onto cards next Sunday while She & Him play happy tunes in the background. I'll admit I'm not too interested in the bands that are playing the day that I will be going, but I'm always down for teaching people how to embroider, even if they may be a little tipsy.

So yeah, October sort of turned into a busy month. Hopefully next week I will have some time to start on my costume and better yet, share some wonderful DIY Halloween activities with you all.
Happy Weekend everyone!


  1. Congratulations on all the excitement! Awesome!

  2. congratulations on the EtsyFinds! that is huge, amazing and well deserved. :)

  3. Thanks all! I've been working really hard on trying to get noticed on Etsy so it felt great to see that it paid off!


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