
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Tis the season . . . .

October is here which means it's time to enjoy the approaching fall weather and prepare for the best holiday ever! In celebration of this glorious month, I will be sharing a slew of spooky things for you to enjoy.Be prepared for a major fun-filled fright fest!

Why don't I start us off with the song that has been stuck in my head all week?

Which leads me into talking about the master of animated macabre himself, Mr.Tim Burton.

Did you know that Tim Burton recently had an exhibit of his work and illustrations earlier this year at the MOMA in NYC. It was met with mixed reviews but I have a feeling that if you are a fan of all things Burton than you would have loved this show no matter what.

I know you are going to click the link above and peruse the site. Otherwise you'll be cheating yourself out of seeing some seriously twisted but cute dark illustrations.

I also recently discovered that one of his first films, Frankenweenie , is being turned into an Animated film. If all goes well, it will be released in March 2012.

But I have to say the animated short, Vincent, is by far my favorite little Tim Burton film.

What's that you say? You haven't heard or seen these shorts before? Well, what are you waiting for?

Here, I'll even help you out a little and give you Vincent to watch below. Enjoy . . . .

1 comment:

  1. You must love Halloween! I have to admit it's a favorite of mine as well (But my heart is really with New Years). But you even changed your banner too...I love it. Tim Burton has alwasy had a warm place in my heart...I wish I could go to the exhibit. JAMES IN THE GIANT PEACH was on repeat as a kid.


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