
Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I discovered through the lovely blogging universe that collars are the new HOT accessory.  I literally came across several collars on various blogs in a matter of minutes this morning.  Each one is so original and unique. I can't think of a better project than this to help me dwindle down my gigantic stack of  print fabric.  It may be time to put the bow tie necklaces aside and take up collar making!

Simple adorable cotton collar by ulala

 Katie over at Sew Lovely Embroidery was inspired by the sharp miu miu collars which caught on like wildfire when the young fashionista than you think!

Louise over at Super Duper has also caught on to the craze and I love her upcycled interpretation of the collar!!

My favorite collar I discovered over a year ago at a little (work)shop run by M.O.M.
Love the ruffles and giant ribbon!


  1. I tried to make a MIU MIU inspired collars, but it sort of failed =D

  2. Does this mean your going to start making some too?...:)

  3. Yes! I am definitely going to make some! I can't wait. I have so many cute fabric swatches that would look so cute as collars!

  4. Yes! GO collars! Love that last one with all the miles of ribbon x

  5. hey Lauren, I love the first collar you have posted, makes me take a second look at collars. never realized something so simple can add so much depth to what we wear :)


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