
Monday, November 8, 2010

The weekend was filled with:

-Staying up late to finish some delightful new items (photos coming soon!)
-Conquering my first ever rainy day craft fair.
-Enjoying an artichoke mozzarella  panini
-Meeting a dog that catches bottlecaps and spits them back at you to throw into his mouth again.
-Watching a weird documentary about Cropsey (a child abductor from Long Island)
-Enjoying the second episode of The Walking Dead (one of my new favorite shows)

Now I am trying to battle a possible cold and am perusing the Home & Garden section of NY Times.  I discovered this rather lovely story about a woman and her husband who buy "ghost town" property throughout the west. The slideshow of their property is pretty stunning. It makes me wish I had a job that would allow me to live out of an airstream and travel like a (very) modern hobo.

Article HERE.

Slideshow HERE.

1 comment:

  1. ruh roh. these links are exactly the kind of thing i get vacuumed into... :)

    ooof, rainy show. poor girl!


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