
Monday, December 6, 2010

Time for Giving

About  2 years ago I lost a close friend of mine to leukamia lymphoma. At the time, myself and other people didn't think it was too serious. We knew our friend Sean was having a tough battle, but being the amazing person he was, we thought he would beat it. So to wake up one morning and find out he was gone was quite a shock, especially considering he was so young.

I have many regrets about my friend passing away, many of them being that I never had a chance to see him before he passed on. His death was a very big shock and a reminder that life can come and go too quickly and too early.

I was reminded of this again this morning when I came across The Fiercegrrl Fund. Nicole is a 27- year old craftster who has recently been diagnosed with Stage 3 ovarian cancer. She can no longer work and must now pay for all of her expenses out of pocket.  You can  help this fantastic lady out by purchasing one of the adorable ornaments that are for sale on the website. And why not go a step further and repost this story on YOUR BLOG? Help a lady out. Spread some cheer and REPOST. Plus the ornaments are all super cute! Lookie lookie.



  1. Oh, thank you so much for sharing your story and hers! I am off to post this on my Facebook. On a side note, are you going to be at the Renegade! I am and I hope you are too. I just moved to the area and I love meeting new artists.

  2. M.M.E-I will be at Renegade! And I'm trying not to panic about it. I will be sure to stop by and say hi!

  3. Thank you for sharing her story. I will post it on my Facebook page and my blog

  4. Thank you so much for sharing this and supporting the ornament shop. Your post made me tear up. Nicole is a wonderful person and this is the least I can do to make her fight a little more comfortable. You're the best! <3

  5. Meaghan- I am so happy that a friend of mine posted your ornament shop via facebook. I never had a chance to really make a difference with the friend that I lost, so I am so delighted to help in the little way that I can.
    A big thanks to you for organizing this shop and helping your friend. This is what the holiday season is about. You and Nicole are in my thoughts!

  6. thanks for sharing this. it's wonderful to think you can help a fellow crafter out, even in a small way. :)

    very sorry about your friend. it's shocking and sobering to lose someone of your own age...

    wishing you a lovely and happy holiday season!

  7. Beautiful post...
    Merry Christmas!!!
    Be loved!


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