
Monday, January 3, 2011

After a nice long two week hibernation, I am ready to spring back to life! I was hoping to use the two weeks I had off from my day job to do some necessary work and start new projects. Didn't happen and that's okay. The holiday fairs were great but more taxing than I expected. A break was due. I am refreshed with new ideas and can't wait to share all the new projects and products I have swirling around in my little head.

Also, a big thanks to Marianne for sharing a fan photo of her gingerbread man ornament.
I was so busy that I didn't take a single photo of these ornaments or my table at the fairs.
I still can't believe that I sold 60 of these eaten gingerbread characters this past month. Whew!


  1. Happy New Year! The ornament is great, I can see why you sold 60 of them! Looking forward to seeing the new projects.

  2. Little Gingerbread Person is so cute!
    Happy New year!

  3. Thanks guys! Happy new year to you too!


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