
Monday, January 31, 2011

Button Heaven

I went to a magical place a couple weekends ago with my wonderful friend Polly. We decided to take a little trip and visit the legendary Exclusive Button store in Albany.  This place is a true diamond in the rough. It also has any button you can imagine and if you are looking for vintage buttons, this is the place to go fo' sure. So if you are in the Bay Area, make a trip. You won't regret it I promise you.

Things to keep in mind if you decide to visit this little store. It is only opened on Friday and Saturday for about 4 to 5 hours each day. Mary is the wonderful lady behind this establishment and it is a true blessing that she keeps this store open. Her husband was the one who originally got into the button business by trading with an assortment of people and building connections to start a massive button collection. He passed away a year ago and now Mary is the lady keeping the buttons flowing. And she knows her stuff too.

They also only take cash and personal checks. No plastic here so bring the green. Prices are totally reasonable. I got my stash for $20 which is great considering that the majority of these buttons are vintage jewels you will have a hard time finding at commercial stores.

Cutest little old sign.
 A cabinet full of rare vintage buttons from pretty much everywhere.

 Polly looking in one of many drawers filled with buttons!

Love these brown buttons with little floral details. Perfect for a dress. 
My button stash. I think the orange buttons with the little stars in the middle are my fave.


  1. You totally have to go! You might experience some button overload but it actually deters you from wanting to buy every little thing in the store.

  2. Dont you just love..those button shops..I can spent so much money with the feeling that, oh this is very special it could change a whole outfit and this is so beautiful and this this is so old...
    Great post!
    Have a great weekend!


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