
Friday, March 18, 2011

A dreamy art show

I completely forgot that I took photos of this student group art show a while back. Unfortunately I don't recall the name of the show or the participating artists' names. But the work was so lovely and dreamy. I really, really enjoyed it. So kudos to the ladies that put this eclectic show together.

How lovely is this? I want it for my house.

I loved these little disintegrating mini paper people.

 A repurposed shelf that had hidden cabinets inside with little vignette scenarios.

 The inside of the cabinet had the most amazing curtains which were actually photographs printed on silk.


  1. Wow!I love how everything is so unique and yet goes together so well.Very inspiring

  2. it's lovely. i'd want that suitcase diorama thingy too. :)

  3. It is really inspiring isn't it?! And I am very close to hunting down the artist of that suitcase diorama and possibly commissioning them to make me a mini version.


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