
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

For the Twin Peaks Fanatic

Print by David Lynch. I want it so bad!!
 My boyfriend came across this Twin Peaks inspired art show last night. It is amazing for obvious reasons, plus some. On top of a variety of Twin Peaks inspired art, the show also included prints & patches designed by David Lynch himself.

"Concentrating on the J's" by Scott Campbell
The gallery also has some amazing Twin Peaks inspired merchandise, like these two mugs that I desperately want!

But my favorite part has to be the newly released production photos by Richard Beymer. I love how candid and gritty they are. It's a nice reminder that even though digital photography is convenient, it can't evoke the same sensation/experience that shooting with film does.

Bob is so scary!!

Wanna see more? Go HERE.


  1. shut the FRONT DOOR! this is freaking awesome!

    ps - i live like a half hour from the town that inspired the show. :)

  2. Really?!? That's so cool. I'll admit that I have been tempted to attend one of those Twin Peaks Conventions before but luckily the tixs are on the expensive side.


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