
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Good bye Poppies! Hello big city!

Print by Bumblebellydesigns

 So, you may have noticed that I have been missing in action lately. Really missing in action! And for good reason. My man and I have been spending the past few weeks discussing and plotting what is sure to be one of the biggest change in our lives. No, there's no marriage or small bundles of joy in the near future but there is a big MOVE!

We're talking relocating across the country all the way from Cali to Brooklyn, NY.  I'm so thrilled to be sharing this news finally! I've had to keep a lid on these plans for the past couple weeks while we sorted things out to see if our dream really could come true. I would say it is pretty official now too. I gave notice at my job yesterday and am now sharing the news with family and friends.  To say the least, we are both very excited and extremely nervous. There have already been a few minor anxiety attacks and sleeping at night hasn't proven to be too successful lately.

Lucky for us, my man's family lives in Brooklyn and have offered to help us with this giant task ahead. We really are sort of risking it all (going out there with no jobs, leasing a place to live virtually, etc) but we know the pay off is going to be huge.

So, yes, blogging and my shop will not be a priority for a few months. I hope to post occasionally before the end of May rolls around. Once I get settled, I look forward to sharing my moving adventures and new place with all of you. :)


  1. Wow! that's awesome!!! i totally miss new york, so i'm completely jealous.
    what part of brooklyn, if you don't mind my asking?

  2. We are looking at a couple of different/safe 'hoods like prospect heights, clinton hill, and crown heights. We're putting an application to a place in crown heights tomorrow. We'll see how it goes.

    Are you from the east coast? Or did you just live there for a little bit?

  3. Wow, big move! Take pictures! Let us know how it goes.

  4. In 1996 my husband and I did the same thing - took a leap of faith and moved from Chicago to Boston with no jobs and a lease for a couple of rooms in a house full of unrelated people that we had never seen or met. It was the best move we ever made. (except for the part about living with roommates, which didn't work out so well.) Good luck and have fun!! I think it is worth the stress of moving.

  5. i went to college in manhattan, so it was my home for 4 years. i don't know the boroughs quite as well, but i have a friend who lives in bay ridge (brooklyn), and my brother is a curator at the brooklyn museum. i really hope to get back out for a visit in august.

    also, i have to say, i have never felt unsafe in new york. in 4 years, nothing bad ever happened. it's always good to be aware, but i really feel like it's not this teeming pot of 'unsafeness' people make it out to be.

    i think you'll have a glorious time!

  6. bourroughs? burroughs? ack. i've confounded myself.

  7. I think I'll feel safe anywhere as long as I'm not in Oakland, as awful as that might sound . . . .


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