
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Did you hear?!?

Let's just come out and admit it, blogging is addictive and a great way to procrastinate. There, I said it.  So I'm sure you can understand why I have been oh-so-diligent in avoiding perusing my fave blogs for the past couple months. When you are planning a cross-country move, you don't want to be distracted or procrastinate.

Well, I finally decided that today is the day that I return to the land of blogs and enjoy catching up on everything I've missed. Which is A LOT. And how I ironic and serendipitous is it that the first blog post I come across happens to be from Design Sponge and their new upcoming book! Book?!! A Design Book?!? Well, my little heart just skipped a beat!

I love this blog and more amazing, I just learned more about it than I have in the past two years of following it from the simple, cute promo video.  I have a feeling folks that Grace Booney just might be our 21st century Martha Stewart.


  1. This is one of my favorite blogs, too. I'm looking forward to seeing what they've put in the book.

  2. Me too. That blog posts so many articles a day it's hard to keep up with it sometimes!


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