
Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Clock designed by Leimone Design
I am having a serious case of blog deprivation!! My time is so limited now so the chance to just sit back, read, and hunt down amazing cute crafty things on the internet hasn't really been happening lately.

I'm just curious how other people do it. Do you have a desk job and just peruse your fave blogs during some down time at work? Or do you just obsess and stay up all night till you pass out in front of your computer screen? I have always enjoyed the community of bloggers out there and really miss commenting and making connections. I MUST figure out a way to keep up! Any tips is greatly appreciated! Or if someone wants to time manage my life, that'd be great too.


  1. I'm having the same struggles, and it will become harder on Sept 6 when grad school starts back up, tutoring work starts, and my son's homeschool year starts! Oh boy! Whew!

  2. Malea- Okay, I obviously can't complain next to you. That's a crazy schedule. Kudos to you!


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