
Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Ikat Card by Wild Ink Press

NYC is a place of makers and innovators. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't see something inspiring. Whether it be the city scape, someone's outfit, or an intimate moment caught in a public place.

There are always noticeable trends on the West Coast, but here on the East side of the states people don't hesitate to wear whatever tickles their fancy. You really can get away with wearing anything in this town.  But along that note, there are trends that stand out and when you start to take notice, you begin to understand why NYC is the style capital of the world (with Paris not falling too far behind).

One thing that seems to have been particularly popular this summer, and even into this fall is Ikat.

Maybe it's because I spend my working hours on the UES, but this traditional pattern is rampant and not only looks good as a dress or a skirt, but also a bag, and most definitely in home decor accessories.  In other words, it's accessible, and flattering on almost any figure. The colorways are diverse and it carries a sort of liberated feeling about it without the tackiness that is often found in hippie tie dyes.

I say jump on board, even in the fall. Or pick out an Ikat swatch you like for next spring. If you don't end up using it for a skirt, you can easily transform your swatch into a pillow for your couch. 

Amazing Ikat dress by Brooklyn Designer, Wiksten
Stunning Ikat leggings from SF designer, Peeko. LOVE!


  1. Nice post! I'll be looking for ways to incorporate this pattern into my own products!

  2. I love ikat. I have a green and blue scarf that has an amazing ikat pattern on it and i just love love love wearing it!


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