My little fingers are sore due to all the embroidering I have been doing lately and I'm still not done! All this work is good but eating into my blogging time. I'm pretty sure I love reading blogs more than actually blogging at this point.
Everyday I happen upon something new and amazing, like this online clothing website called Spool 72. I am in love with everything on this site, but it was the Native American rug bags that won me over. Have you ever come across a site or store where you just want to buy everything in it?
Well, yeah that's kind of how I feel about this little virtual shop.

I'm very close to buying this little beauty. I love the color combo on the necklace.

This shirt brings on rustic dreams of wearing cut off jeans, cowboy boots, and tromping around a big meadow on a hot humid day.

I'm highly considering making one of these bags for myself. I have some really lovely upholstery fabric that I got from the Creative Reuse a few months back. I wasn't sure what I was going to use it for, but now I just might have a project for it!
Wow! Nice finds! I especially love the bag. Off to check out spool 72 now. Thanks for sharing.