
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Weekend Recap

The weekend was filled with: A wonderful trip to the Alameda Antique Fair with my good friend, Alison. We saw lots of fun stuff and walked away with a few new goodies. My stash included a new wire basket for my craft display, the most darling ceramic owl, a funny little "Teach Yourself to Swim" book, a very purty floral print dress, and a lovely 100 piece needle packet with the neatest illustration. (One of the many quirky little illustrations from "Teach Yourself to Swim." I like her pincurls!)

Drinking strong English Ales at Beer Revolution.

(Photo by Jesse from

Watching my cat, Bianca, clean her toes and lick her lips.

Making handmade postcards for some young students in Spain.


  1. looks like you found lots of cute stuff! I'm jealous of that swimming book.

  2. that book is hilarious. are you supposed to hold it up whilst trying to master the doggy paddle? seems like it would be tough...

    your kitteh is adorable. i love her expression in the 2nd photo. :)


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