
Saturday, July 3, 2010

Reading List

My day job has been a little busier than usual and I decided to finally take some time to read a book this week. Sitting outside on a nice summer day during my lunch break is much more appealing than staying inside the office to work on my store/blog. So now I am working on a little reading list. Most of it is pretty, well not trashy per say, but let's just say there are no great pieces of literature on the list. Here is what I have so far: Dead in the Family by Charlaine Harris

I have been reading the Sookie Stackhouse series waaaaaaaay before True Blood ever came to life on HBO. The last two books ( the 2008 & 2009 publications) weren't that great. Since I have been following the story for so long I sort of had to read them. I unfortunately heard this new one isn't much better and the plot doesn't really go anywhere. And just for the record, I am an Eric fan. Always have been. I think it's because I have a thing for vikings.

Heat Wave by Richard Castle

Another not so sophisticated, mystery novel. I mainly decided to pick this up because I started watching Castle about 2 months ago. I love Nathan Fillion and have enjoyed the show so far even though I find it to be pretty predictable. I just started the first chapter but the book is proving to be identical to the show, which is slightly disappointing.

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

My friend, who has suggested many a great books to me, recommended this novel a while back. Although it is considered a young adult book, I am really looking forward to checking it out. Some of the best works of fiction I have read have been young adult books.

Books you might want to check out this summer: The Host by Stepenie Meyer

I read the Twilight series but it was Stephenie Meyer's The Host that really won my heart. It's labeled as a Sci-Fi novel but I consider it to be more of a love story and I'm not talking about some mushy romance novel, but an actual story about love in a variety of forms. I hope Hollywood never makes this book into a movie because they would pretty much slaughter it.

Heat by Bill Buford

I didn't finish the book but what I read was good. Really good. If you are a foodie or a fan of Anthony Bourdain, this book might be worth your while. It essentially explores the author's experience working at one of Mario Batali's restaurant's as well as describes Batali's culinary history. Top Chef and Hell's Kitchen already offer us some insight into the daily life of the culinary world, but those shows have sort of glorified it for T.V. This book really exposes the gritty side of the kitchen, much like Anthony Bourdain's "No Reservations".

Do you have any books you'll be reading to pass your time at the airport or maybe while tanning at the beach this summer? Let me know. I'm always looking for new titles to put on my list.


  1. thats a good book list! i've been wanting to read the host but im' waiting until it goes to paperback :)

  2. You are going to like The Hunger Games!

  3. Ooh, I really liked Heat, although it felt a bit stressful reading it at times.

    I've been contemplating the Charlene Harris novels for a while now. Maybe if I ever get one of those nifty e-readers...

    I just picked up the new Kathy Reichs novel, even though the last few haven't been great. Just the same way, I feel I'm committed to the story line, even if it's not as engaging as it once was. Deja Dead was very good though.


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