
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Package Project Take 2!

My package partner, Bri from New South Wales, received my package a few weeks ago. Ya! That means you get to finally see what I made for her.

Bri's package was broken up into three separate bundles, plus one special gift. I tried my best to send her little goodies based on some of the info she shared with me about herself.

The first bundle contained a package of my favorite teas, a fabric flower brooch with a cute corduroy button, a set of three fabric covered pins, and an owl garland cut out of some of the vintage wallpaper that I snagged from the Creative Reuse Store a while back. Bri is expecting a baby sometime in December and being a lover of owls, she plans on hanging the garland in the baby's room. Ya!

The second part of the package contained one of my lavender deer sachets, a tiny embroidered teacup patch, a set of cloth coasters made from some cute heart fabric, an owl button designed by one of my favorite local illustrators, Caitlin Kuhwald, and a funny sticker from I heart Guts.

Bri is a also big fan of cupcakes, so I decided to include a copy of an amazing chocolate cupcake recipe from Cook's Illustrated in her third package. I also threw in some super cute cupcake decorated ribbon, a swatch of owl fabric, bearded stickers by none other than Imadeyouabeard, and a very pretty postcard.

And here is the item that prevented me from sending out Bri's package on time. I have to admit I was hoping this tea towel would come out a little different but considering that I did the majority of the stitching freehand, I don't think it's too shabby. Bri enjoys cooking and teacups, so I thought this little tea towel might make a pretty addition to her kitchen.

Thanks so much for being my package partner Bri!

For your viewing pleasure

Alison #1

Before I spent every free hour stitching up a storm, I used to take photos. I was even considering going to graduate school to get my MFA in fine art photography for quite some time. But two years ago I just suddenly stopped shooting. I found myself in a place where I was questioning my ability to actually create relevant art and I just couldn't seem to cohesively put together and finish any of the photo projects I started. So I sort of gave up or took a break. Whatever you want to call it.

I still can't quite bring myself to pick up my camera again but I have been revisiting some of my old images and touching up a few of my favorites lately. So I thought I would share some of my snapshots from unfinished projects with you this week.

Who knows? Maybe sharing some of these images with you will inspire to start photographing again.

Friday, August 27, 2010

I'll be back soon!

Hi all,

I'm taking a brief hiatus from the blog world. Between *trying* to train the new dog and my day job getting extra busy, I need a little breather. I will be back very soon with info about new goodies and new ventures. And Art!!

Some of you know that I work for a small art college (CCA) and school is starting next week. Yipes! for me but good for you! Tons of photos of great, innovative local art will be coming your way very soon! I'm hoping to come across new great student shows, much like the Ceramic Button Show I came across last year.

Hope all of you are having a great end of summer!

Friday, August 20, 2010

I am glad that it is Friday because my week so far has consisted of the following:

-Big lack of motivation to make new items for the event I am participating in this weekend -This lack of motivation might have to do with an attempt to make several new cards, only to have them get messed up in one way or another (don't you hate it when that happens?) -Losing $6 on my way to get coffee. -Having my once sick, sweet dog turn into a total aggressive dog on leash. Thus, making it impossible to walk him -Finding out after getting my teeth cleaned that I have another cavity that needs to be filled(really?!?) -Injuring my foot so badly that I can't even really walk on it. -Not having enough time to do, well, anything. -Stack of dishes. 'Nuff said

Sorry for the venting but I had to get some of this stuff off my chest. I will be trying to think of happy thoughts for the rest of the day, like Peter Pan, as a way to distract myself from the stress and pain of my poor foot.

***Update** I've had a chance to drink my chai tea, elevate my foot and listen to my Gary Numan Pandora radio station. So things are definitely feeling a little bit better. And the blog venting helped alot. I'm all for venting.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The weekend was meh and the work week isn't any better. Things are busy at home in the crafty corner and in the real world at the work desk. All I want to do is grumble and vent or take a long vacation to Maui or something.

Instead I decided to distract myself with pretty things on Etsy. I made this little impromptu treasury that is made up of some of the lovely things you see below. It was suppose to be a treasury of good fortune but somehow it morphed into a "Dark Carnivale" theme. A Possible side effect of my mood?

Get a better peek of it HERE. Vintage inspired carnivale garland by flappergirl "The Fortune Teller" by the Black Apple "Let us Entertain You" necklace by MissCAlifornia1929

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Package Project

So a while ago, I signed up to participate in this Package Project. I told the lady organizing it that I wanted to send a package to someone who lived very, very far away and I got my wish! My partner ended up being Bri from New South Wales, a lady who loves owls and cupcakes. Her package arrived last Friday and I was thrilled by all the little goodies she sent. Here is what I got:

The package came in this lovely vintage goose tin which I thought was a great way to protect all my goodies while it made it's way across the world to me. Plus, it is a perfect little container to store some of my supplies in. Ya for reuse!

In the package was a lovely scarf, a jar of buttons and some button like earrings. She also sent me a little stash of paper goods, including a packet of moleskin journals (which I plan on embroidering), and little illustrated paper goodies from children's books. I love, love, love the green doily that she used to decorate the top of the button jar. I also received the cutest mini floral cupcake holders and a tiny blue ceramic owl that now lives on my windowsill. Thanks so much Bri!

I would share some photos of what I am sending Bri but I don't want to spoil it for her. I am sending out my package terribly late :( and I feel pretty horrible about it. But hopefully in a couple of weeks I can share what I sent with you cuz it's a pretty awesome package.

Monday, August 9, 2010

New Items

I have been successfully stocking up my store for the past couple weeks. It feels pretty good. If everything goes well, I should have some new Fall items posted by next week. For now, check out my first DIY Kit and two new embroidery card designs. Enjoy! These new DIY "You Are Awesome!" embroidered greeting card kits have everything to get you started! This kit includes the same tutorial that I am offering for free on this blog, except it comes with all the supplies! You can check out the free tutorial HERE. My new California sun inspired card that I originally designed for the Spain postcard project is now available in the shop. I love the southwest feeling it has. Let someone know you how much you miss them with this newly designed "Miss You!" card. Simple yet sweet.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

How to Embroider a Greeting Card

So here it is! My first free tutorial! It may 10 pages long but it's worth it! It covers everything you need to know about stitching a card by hand. Enjoy!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Thank You crafters!

Just wanted to say a quick thanks to all the folks who came out to Craft Bar last night at the Museum. I had a great time showing people how to make their own card and was delighted to chat with some of you. I hope you all had a great time!

I'll be posting my online tutorial for the "You Are Awesome!" card tomorrow and DIY tutorial packets for cardmaking will be available in my shop on Monday.

And I'll be in the Lower Haight at Underground SF tonight selling some goodies at the $5 Art Party too! Whew! Busy week.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Color Photos from the 1940's

*All photographs seen here belong to Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress

I was a photo geek long before I started crafting so I was absolutely giddy and speechless when a friend posted a link to an FSA gallery of color photographs. I'm really surprised that I haven't seen these images before. I feel like these color photos capture the hard times of the Depression so much better than some of the more recognizable black and white shots. I can almost feel all the dirt, dust, and sweat from that era. And those calico dresses are to die for!

You MUST take a peek and be sure to go all the way to the end. They definitely save one of the best photos for last. Link is HERE.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The weekend was full of long dog walks and a trip to SF Renegade Handmade. I told myself that I would have a little budget saved for this event the next time it rolled around, but alas I adopted a dog and all my pretty little pennies went to him a couple weeks ago. As usual, there were LOTS of items to peruse.

Here are a few photos from the event. But what you should really do is go over to one of my fave blogs, I go by Katie, and check out her Amazing photos of the event. She took the time take some portraits of some of the participating artists and they are quite good! I regret not getting one of these paper mobiles from Mystic Mobiles.
Can't wait for them to have a website I can order from! I was extremely impressed by this felt card catalogue made by Kelso Doesn't Dance.
Super cool! I was speechless when I found these embroidered dolls by Hillery Rebeka Sproatt.
The one above was double sided with different designs on each side. Going on my wish list. Adorable handmade Elephant by Flock Home. that belongs in someone's nursery. I kept my eyes open for unique display ideas and I really like how this vendor draped this antique paper (not sure what kind of paper it is?) on her table.
She also used wooden embroidery hoops with simply embroidered accented fabric to place her earrings on. Very clever!