
Thursday, January 13, 2011

One things leads to another . . . .

We all know how distracting the internet can be. What I find even more interesting is how one distraction can lead to another and another and another. Often times I lose track of where an idea or a new discovery came from so I decided to create this post to help me remember where one creative journey began.

Yesterday, I wanted to know how people, like Giant Dwarf, created their own felt, which lead me to a pretty image of her rosette hair piece.

Image from Mark Wagoner Productions

which lead me to a delightful blog called Charming Ink.

Image from Charming Ink

which lead me to DecoyLab's Etsy Shop where you can find the cutest wooden pins.

Image from DecoyLab

which reminded me of my mom and her love of hedgehogs.
Image from Scherenschnitte



  1. internet ADD, I love it! Looks like you took a fun journey thru the world wide web yesterday :) good finds!

  2. this is like hansel & gretel and the internetular bread crumbs. fantastic!

  3. It's actually a lot of fun! I think everyone should give it a try. Sometimes it can be a little scary with how distracted you get though. ;)

  4. I love etsy because it gives you so much interesting things to look at and tons of inspiration. And yeah, you do go from one thing to another finding one wonderful treasure after another. I also like how Etsians are some of the kindness, creative and over all incredible people with even more amazing stories.


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