
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Vivian Maier: The Invisible Woman

I was so delighted to learn about the recently discovered street photographer Vivian Maier from Chicago. Who knew a young nanny from the 1950's spent all her weekends capturing some of the most amazing street photography seen in decades! It's a shame that her talent went unrecognized for so long and that she can't enjoy the credit she so highly deserves. At least the young man who bought her work from a storage locker is making sure she gets the credit she is due.

Photo Blog HERE

Great news clip HERE


  1. My parents saw this on Chicago Tonight and sent me a link to her blog, about a week ago. Her photography is stunning!

  2. The video was the most fascinating 10 minutes I've spent all week. Amazing photos.

  3. Wow I'm so glad you posted this ;)
    Such a cool story, it made me really happy!


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