
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Designer Spotlight: Giulietta

Looking for a job in this big, big city has proven to be more of a task than I imagine. There's no reason I should be surprised with how difficult it's been considering the way the economy currently is. But luckily NYC is a land where the opportunities are endless (though competitive) and in my course of looking for a job I have discovered some amazing creative companies.

Resort 2011 Collection
I decided, just for the hell of it, to apply to an up and coming fashion house called Giulietta. Boy was I happy that I did otherwise I would have never come across this amazing designer. Her dresses are simple and just down right adorable.

Resort 2011 Collection
This is what I imagine a young Audrey Hepburn would wear if she were alive today.

And these beauties are from the Fall 2011 collection. Love the sleeves!

Are you in love yet?
 More images HERE.
**All images from Giulietta collections

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Did you hear?!?

Let's just come out and admit it, blogging is addictive and a great way to procrastinate. There, I said it.  So I'm sure you can understand why I have been oh-so-diligent in avoiding perusing my fave blogs for the past couple months. When you are planning a cross-country move, you don't want to be distracted or procrastinate.

Well, I finally decided that today is the day that I return to the land of blogs and enjoy catching up on everything I've missed. Which is A LOT. And how I ironic and serendipitous is it that the first blog post I come across happens to be from Design Sponge and their new upcoming book! Book?!! A Design Book?!? Well, my little heart just skipped a beat!

I love this blog and more amazing, I just learned more about it than I have in the past two years of following it from the simple, cute promo video.  I have a feeling folks that Grace Booney just might be our 21st century Martha Stewart.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Little Lovelies

The man and I took a nice bike ride to Williamsburg and although I didn't like the neighborhood or the crowd that lives there very much, I did fall in love with these little lovelies.

This poster grabbed my attention from far away. But it wasn't until I started editing it that I began to really *SEE* the image.  If you look closely you'll find several pieces of art made by famous artists hidden inside this mischievous print. Be sure to look closely at the ears . . . .

Love this little cart. Want it. Now. I'm thinking all I need is some cardboard, faux wood, and felt to muster up my own "wooden" rustic cart for a possible future craft fair display.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Still settling in . . . .

I'm still trying to settle into the new place. We don't have a lot of furniture but I didn't let that stop me from setting up a make shift craft room. Unlike my last place, I actually have a small but decent size room to work in. No silly kitchenette anymore! It doesn't look like much now but I have dreams, boy, do I have dreams! I imagine a lovely little crafty/office/storage space where I can get all my work done.  Hopefully, I'll have more luck with installing shelves in this room than the kitchen. That was complete fail and now involves some creative rethinking. Ah, New York and it's infamous small spaces. :)

Oh yeah, Bianca is happy to let you know that she is settling just fine. She is enjoying her new window sill that offers the perfect view and sun spot.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

View of NYC from the steps of the New York Public Library
My friends-

I have FINALLY made it to my new home in Brooklyn. I had no idea that moving across country would drag me away from my little blog for so long. It literally took a good month and a half to prep, pack, and say good bye to my west coast homies and town.

I'm still settling in and have yet to unpack boxes and find a new job but I am so excited that life is starting  to get back to normal! I can't wait to blog again and catch up on what has been happening in the blog universe. I've missed it so much . . . .