
Friday, August 5, 2011

Long Live McQueen

One of the main reasons my beau and I relocated to NYC was to take advantage of all the amazing exhibits here. Seeing the McQueen show on Tuesday morning was a great reminder of just that. It was simply stunning! The show has already proven to be the most popular Costume Institute exhibit at the MET of all time.  This past Sunday, it hit it's 582,000 visitor.  The exhibit itself was broken up into several different rooms that explored some of the essential themes of McQueen's work; Romanticism, and Naturalism being the main two.  One of the most stunning rooms was a sort of cabinet of curosity type space that exhibited specific accessories (shoes, hats, body like armour) and clothing from McQueen's show. Installed next to the shadow box cabinets were various video screens casting sequences from a variety of shows. (Photo below)

The exhibit itself was a little difficult to enjoy due to the large crowds inside. But still it was all worth it. McQueen was not just a designer, he was an artist and a philosopher who explore and expressed his thoughts and reflections on life through clothing and the female form through the most exquisite way possible.

1 comment:

  1. I was at the MET and we thought about going to that exhibit--but the line was through about 6 galleries, it was crazy! From the little I saw from the front door, though, I have to agree with you--it was incredible.


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