
Monday, August 8, 2011

New Opportunities

When moving to NYC, I was hoping to have a chance to explore new opportunities and possibly even work outside of the industry I had spent 11 years working in.  It took me longer than I was hoping (or expecting) to find a job here. But I have to say it was all worth the wait.  I am now spending my days doing a job that I truly love.  I never thought in a million years that I'd get paid to help merchandise beautiful fabric, assist people with their crafty endeavors, and spend my days putting my all my Etsy experience to good use!

So what exactly am I doing now? Well, I am the new store manager at an amazing sewing studio and fabric/needlework supply store on the Upper East Side in Manhattan. It's called Pins & Needles NYC and it's a dream!  It's also the reason why I've been m.i.a. from the blog lately. You can visit the store HERE.

And if you ever decide to visit the Big Apple, please, please come by and say hi!

1 comment:

Hi there! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!