
Sunday, December 4, 2011


Image from NY Times. Manifesto Bike Shop in Oakland.

My move to NYC seriously has disrupted me and all my business ventures. So I'm completely jealous (and a little bummed!) that I am missing out on this new "popuhood" in my old town of Oakland. By the looks of it, the space seems to have a great mix of retailers, including the amazing bike shop, Manifesto. It is only missing a vegan donut shop (seriously). Oakland is filled with inspiring people who are willing to support their neighbors and the creative community. Thumbs up to my ole 'hood and many wishes of success for all!

Article HERE
Popuhood HERE

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Just in time for the holidays . . . .


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Cat Scan

Part 1

Cute Paws


Monday, November 21, 2011


St. Mark's Church, 11pm, Halloween Night 2011


There is no better time to start crafting than during the holiday season. And to keep you crafting all winter long, the store I work for is having a great giveaway over at their blog. Pins & Needles is giving away not one but 5 Martha Stewart Holiday Craft books.

It's so easy to enter! Go here to find out more info and you may just win a free book!

Friday, November 18, 2011


I love stitched designs but I love them even more when you can where them around your neck. So obviously stitched jewelry is on my holiday wish list. How about you?

1) Map of Texas Necklace by ilgattoselvatico
2) Golden Triangle Necklace by Gammafolk
3) Felt Embroidered Necklace by lovemaude

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Oh, how I wish I could teleport to Portland tomorrow night to attend the book launch party of Colette's new sewing book.

I remember when I first came across Colette patterns it was the sweet, unique and fresh pattern cover design that initially caught my eye. No tacky Butterick model photos here. Instead a soft color palette with a sketch of a curvy normal looking girl on the cover.

Colette's first sewing book came out just a couple weeks ago. Her patterns in the book continue to carry out her fresh take on classy vintage designs. But what really makes Colette amazing is her Blog and all the amazing free sewing tips and patterns she offers up to the public. In the cyber world, people are always on the hunt for not just good freebies but excellent ones and they can be hard to come by.

Colette's booth at Quilt Market

If you have ever had the itch to try and sew a garment, then I recommend heading over to her blog to not only be inspired but to pick up some great techniques you are sure to employ with your stitched creations.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Fun times were had at the very cute MicroCrafts events held at the store I work for.
You can check out the full photo album of our fun shenanigans HERE.

We celebrated the launch of Quirk's MICROCRAFT book with some fun mini projects, like these adorable mini owl ornaments and mini bunting banners.

The book is so worth adding to your collection just for this one project. Plus you are sure to be prepped for your next mini craft party that you plan to have.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Free Template below so you can make your own card!

Friday, October 21, 2011


Last Saturday I stopped by the Chelsea Market and checked out the local food vendors. Me and my big sweet tooth couldn't help but stop by Fat Witch Bakery.

 I picked up a few little brownie samples and also the Blonde Witch Brownie Mix which I made last night. It's basically like a big chocolate chip cookie but in brownie style. The mix wasn't too bad; easy to work with but took a little longer to cook, which may have been my oven's fault. They still turned out delicious and they taste pretty darn good with a tall glass of milk!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


My new vintage enamel metal kitty bowls have become very handy lately. They are the perfect size for holding all the fresh apples I picked in upstate NY last weekend. Now I just need to bake them! I'm very tempted to try an apple pie pocket recipe.  If only I had these adorable apple pocket cutters from Williams and Sonoma to get me started!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I always get a little anxious when I am away from the blogging universe for too long. I start to think about all the amazing things I have missed out on and feel such an overwhelming disconnection from a community that I enjoy so much.

Lucky for me, you generous bloggers are never short of amazing ideas so even though I feel like I've missed out on a bazillion one of a kind creations, I find a few new projects that make me smile in just a simple week review.

Here are my top fave of the past week. Each one makes me wish I could just skip sleeping all together and stay up all night crafting these delightful items.
Cute Retro Wall Paper Journals from Antelope Baby
Fabric/Paper Owl Notecards from Design Sponge
Simple Fat Quarter Tote from the ladies of Cloud Nine Fabric

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Ikat Card by Wild Ink Press

NYC is a place of makers and innovators. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't see something inspiring. Whether it be the city scape, someone's outfit, or an intimate moment caught in a public place.

There are always noticeable trends on the West Coast, but here on the East side of the states people don't hesitate to wear whatever tickles their fancy. You really can get away with wearing anything in this town.  But along that note, there are trends that stand out and when you start to take notice, you begin to understand why NYC is the style capital of the world (with Paris not falling too far behind).

One thing that seems to have been particularly popular this summer, and even into this fall is Ikat.

Maybe it's because I spend my working hours on the UES, but this traditional pattern is rampant and not only looks good as a dress or a skirt, but also a bag, and most definitely in home decor accessories.  In other words, it's accessible, and flattering on almost any figure. The colorways are diverse and it carries a sort of liberated feeling about it without the tackiness that is often found in hippie tie dyes.

I say jump on board, even in the fall. Or pick out an Ikat swatch you like for next spring. If you don't end up using it for a skirt, you can easily transform your swatch into a pillow for your couch. 

Amazing Ikat dress by Brooklyn Designer, Wiksten
Stunning Ikat leggings from SF designer, Peeko. LOVE!

Monday, October 17, 2011


The weekend was filled with a trip to the Chelsea Craft Market, amazing art, and some serious apple picking.

Adorable dish towels by Wicked Mint

Recycled sweater plushies by Sweatertoys
Soaps with the cutest labels ever! by Meow Meow Tweet


Soaps - Meow Meow Tweet
Printed Dish Towels/ Pillows - Wicked Mint
Adorable Recycled Plushies - SweaterToys

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Took a day trip last Saturday to the Hudson Valley. I stopped by Quadrille Fabric's warehouse which has a show room of discounted fabric. Got to take a little peek inside the warehouse and it was huge!! I have never seen so much fabric in one place in my whole life. This company mostly carries decorating fabric but some of the prints are so, so lovely. I picked up a few swatches myself. I'm thinking zipper pouches for all but the stripes. That fabric is going straight in the bow tie pile!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


 One of my favorite places to visit is the Kinokuniya Bookstore near Bryant Park.  It caters to my undying obsession of Japanese culture perfectly. And guess where I spend most of my time? In the craft/sewing section of course!  Japanese craft books are not only styled in the most stunning way possible but the ideas in them are just remarkable! I am always ready and willing to shell out a pretty penny to have a few of these inspirations on my crafting book shelf. My latest editions include the Japanese equivalent of the French Marie Claire Idees craft magazine and an amazing Embroidery Emblem book (also very french inspired!). So much creative cuteness it will make your head explode!  Here is a little peek inside.

Friendship style bracelets taken to the next level!

 And if you are ever in the area of one of these store, stop by! You don't have to know Japanese to enjoy perusing here, trust me.

Monday, October 10, 2011


I mentioned quite some time ago how I had a growing interest in learning how to print by hand. One of the methods I was inspired to try was the stencil freezer paper trick. Well, last week I gave it a little shot and Voila! Something adorable was born! 

This stencil printing technique is fun, but can be a little tedious too. I recommend working on a larger scale and improvising your shapes even. I believe it would make the project go a little faster.

Here is what you need to make it happen:

-Freezer paper available at your local grocery store
-Fabric paint- I used Jacquard which you can find at your local art and craft store like Blick.
-Sponge brush-Also available at your local craft store
- Cardboard scrap- To pour your paint on to
-Basic cotton fabric. I recommend muslin for simple projects and experiments. It's cheap & absorbs well.
-Simple positive/negative design

Now just trace your design onto the freezer paper. Cut it away with scissors or an exacto knife.
Lay the rough side onto your fabric. Iron it on (No Steam!), and paint a couple of even layers over your design.
Let it dry, peel, and do whatever your heart desires to your new printed design. I decided to make mine into some sort of lop sided plushie with french knots in the middle.

Friday, October 7, 2011

So moving to the 'Big City' really does involve leading a busier life. My commute to work each day is a 45 minute three train transfer. I'm on my feet being creative and cutting fabric for the next 7 hours. Then back home to eat at 8pm. If I'm lucky, I sit down and make something, but most nights I'm snuggling the dog and letting my brain rest. Then it's up at 7:30am and out the door for a half hour dog walk with Rupert at 8am. Back home to get ready and hop on the train hopefully before 10am. If I'm lucky, I squeeze in a shower and a quick breakfast. On a good day, I make myself some lunch.
All this blog neglect is making me  a bit sad. Hopefully I'll get back in the swing of things soon.

On an up note, the spooky Halloween lanterns are back in the store! Stop by and pick one up.They are delightful and sure to make you smile!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The weekend consisted of:

Having brunch at places with odd decor & silly signs.

Going to the West Indian Day Parade!

 Riding a LO-V subway car from the 1920's. So cool!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Clock designed by Leimone Design
I am having a serious case of blog deprivation!! My time is so limited now so the chance to just sit back, read, and hunt down amazing cute crafty things on the internet hasn't really been happening lately.

I'm just curious how other people do it. Do you have a desk job and just peruse your fave blogs during some down time at work? Or do you just obsess and stay up all night till you pass out in front of your computer screen? I have always enjoyed the community of bloggers out there and really miss commenting and making connections. I MUST figure out a way to keep up! Any tips is greatly appreciated! Or if someone wants to time manage my life, that'd be great too.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Skirt Fever

I made my first skirt a few weekends ago using the Starboard skirt pattern over at UCreate. I must say that my skirt making wasn't without a few little flaws, but for someone just starting out with garment making, working with a skirt pattern is a perfect introduction. It allows you to learn some basic techniques and become familiar with how to work with different fabrics.

Now I have skirt fever! Lucky for me there are so many interesting and Free skirt patterns out there. But I have to say that UCreate has some of the best posts when it comes to skirt making.  Check out my visual list of what I'd like to work on next.

Pinwheel skirt

I already have this skirt all planned out.
I'm thinking a dark navy blue fabric with this adorable
folk art heart ribbon as the trim. So cute!

Ruffle Skirt
Perfect skirt project for scrap fabric.
Imagine all the wonderful color schemes you can make with this design.
You can go neutral or take it to the next level and play with contrasting tones.

Scalloped Tulle Skirt

So this tulle is actually scalloped fabric that you can buy,
but the link will show you how to make your own. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Feltie Review

One of the up sides of living in one of the most amazing cities in the world is you have access to one of the biggest bookstores in the world. The Strand is such an amazing place to visit and it can be overwhelming if you don't know what you are looking for.

Whenever I make a trip to The Strand it's to appease my incredulous craft book addiction. And thank goodness, I am never let down! My most recent addition is the 'Stash Happy Felt' book by Amanda Caresita. There is a shortage of modern feltie craft books but 'Stash Happy' will not disappoint.

It is full of  great felt projects that can be easily completed on a weekend or even a week night. One of the projects that won my heart was the felt whale pincushion.

Pretty easy to make and SO SO cute after you finish! Just look below!

Here's a little recap of the project:

Time Spent: About 3 hours
Supplies: 5 different colors of felt, stuffing, and a few extra round pins.
Check out Giant Dwarf for all of your felt supplies
Pattern: Simple and easy to use. You only need to blow up a copy of the gusset pattern.
Construction: Easy for the most part. I did have trouble sewing the gusset (the middle strap) on straight.
Recommended Sewing Soundtrack:  A remix of Modest Mouse or Magnetic Fields
What I would do different:
*Cut out a little extra fabric on all the patterns so you some felt to trim off after sewing the pieces together. 
*Sewing the gusset was a little tricky. So I would pin it to the sides, a check the length to make sure it right.
*When attaching the top and sides to the belly, start your seam at the center of the gusset to ensure it stays straight.
*Instead of stuffing from the bottom of the belly of the whale, I would actually sew the heart on the belly with the machine, sew the whale together and then leave a small opening near the base of the tail and stuff. I would then hand sew the gap shut with a ladder stitch.
*Sewing the pin templates of the fish and water spouts can be a little tricky so when you trace the pattern, trace it a little bit larger so they are easier to sew and cut out.

Besides a few little flaws, I LOVED the project and can't wait to make this little whale in a variety of colors. I'd love to take it to the next level and add a cute bow or even make a polka dot whale! How cute would that be?!?